Thursday 22 August 2013

Before the wool-athon

I currently have two projects on the go which I need to finish before I begin with my


I started a project during the Easter holidays and have all but put it together.

This will one day (soon) look like this:

He's called a 'Mini Fox Collar', the small version of the original pattern 'Mr. Fox-Stole My Heart'. I love all of Stephanie Dosen's patterns and her blog is brilliant too. The reason my Mini Fox is yet to be completed is because of one tiny little detail: magnets. You can see in the pictures above that Mini Fox's chin stays perfectly on his bottom, this is because there are two small-but-powerful magnets keeping him held in place. I ordered my magnets off Amazon and they took four weeks to arrive! By the time they had reached Jersey I was deep into final-year essays and didn't have time to sew him up. The end result will be posted shortly.

My other project on-the-go-at-the-mo is a simple scarf:

I was on holiday in the Lake District with my family recently, and my mum and I made our usual visit to our favourite Kendal wool shop "William's Wools". 


I found this beautiful Rowan Handknit Cotton  for HALF PRICE - I couldn't believe it. I bought 10 balls and could not wait to get home and use it for something, anything, it didn't matter I just had to have that wool at that price. (I just went to the Rowan website in order to create the link above and took a look at the full range of colours... man I want them all now.)

I decided to make this striped scarf with the wool, it's kind of Tom-Baker-Doctor-Who-esque (massive Doctor Who fan, not even gonna try and hide it), and will help me to look studenty when I'm prancing around Durham doing my Masters. 

SO. When Mini Fox is actually a fox and my scarf is all finished THEN I will start the wool-athon. I have already found some patterns to try for little hearts, and I went through all of my Love Knitting emails and printed out all of the free patterns I have stocked up. 

I shall end today's post with a picture of my little helpers, Ruby and Binkie. Ruby is a helper, Binkie is a hindrance.

Ruby the helper...

... Binkie the diva.