Wednesday 19 March 2014


Knitting still isn't really happening right now, but I'm going home on Saturday and I know I'll crack on when I'm back with Miffy.

In the mean time I still have other things to blog about!

I am now half way through my Masters

One of the modules in my Masters is a work placement module, which gives me the opportunity to see what it is like in the 'real world' of translation. I have applied for a company that has a link with the University, and it also happens to be the company that I really want to work for when the Masters is finished! Fingers crossed I get in for the June/July internship, then I will wow them with my allure (...) and they will BEG for my return in September..... Well that's the plan anyway, but I am well aware that these things rarely happen so smoothly, so I am ready for new applications too.

The dream job is based in Bristol - they have offices all over the world, but the Bristol office is the one I want. I can't help but get a tiny bit excited about the future now that my application is out there. I have started looking at interior designs and mad wallpapers on Pinterest, inspiring me for the first apartment that I will rent...

Ignoring the trainers, this wallpaper is quite Alice in Wonderland..

Obviously my first apartment will be reasonably priced and look just like this..... yeahhhhhh

I really like this mad wallpaper, especially the doggy and the duck... maybe I'll just create my own and it'll have Ruby all over it?

I think this is a notebook cover, but I still love it. Definitely going for the idea of one mad wall and the rest nice and simple.

So! There's another blog post of ramblings, hopes and dreams... I really hope I get the internship for June/ July, but if I don't I will keep trying.


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